jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

earth day

Water Pollution
We know don´t how much damage we are causing to earth. People still goes with their lives without worrying about the earth, people work, drive, wash their hands, and throw trash. Everything we do is killing our mother earth. We have to take action and start cleaning places and stop wasting water. We know that many things we do contaminate the earth but what is more important is the water pollution. It has been a really big problem but because it is indispensable for the people they don´t do anything about it.

Water pollution is any physical or biological change in water that has a harmful effect on any living thing that drinks, uses, or lives. When a person drinks polluted water it would have serious effects on their health. (water treatment and pollution) Water pollution can be detected by simple steps. You can take any samples and take them to laboratories, where water is analyzed and see if the water is in danger. The second step you can do is to take a fish and have it in an observatory and see how it grows, and its behavior, that way you could see if the water where the fish is, is polluted water.

Water pollution has three classes of pollution which are very dangerous for any living thing surrounded by water. The first class is disease- causing agents. These are some kind of bacteria, viruses and worms that enter in sewage systems and untreated waste. The second class is oxygen-demanding wastes. This is caused when large populations of decomposing bacteria are converting wastes and it can deplete oxygen levels in water, this causes fishes to die. The third class is water-soluble such as acids, toxic metals and salts. Drinking this type of water will cause death to underwater species. A very important water pollutant is the oil, plastics and pesticides that are very harmful to fish and humans. (water treatment and pollution)

Do you know where does water pollution comes from? Well humans have the most guilt from this damage. We, humans are the main cause of water pollution due to our activities. There are two sources of water pollution. Point sources discharge pollutants at specific locations into the surface water, the nonpoint sources are the ones that cannot be traced to a single place of discharge. Examples of point sources are the agriculture, factories, underground mines and oil tankers. Examples of nonpoint sources are the traffic and acid deposition from the air. (water treatment and pollution)

We live in one world, if we do not take care of it, it will come to an end and it will destroy any resource that we have left. Water pollution is one of many serious environmental problems facing the earth. We have to take action and educate every child in school and any person passing by that we live in a world that is deteriorating more and more. Take care of your word as I take care of mine, at the end; it is the same world for everyone.

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